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Honolulu Parks And Rec Unveils New Digital Map Of Play Facilities, Updated Beach/Ocean Access Resource
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Honolulu Parks and Rec unveils new digital map of play facilities, updated beach/ocean access resource
New map includes locations of City park playgrounds, swing sets, fitness stations, & gymnasiums
O‘AHU -- Looking for the closest playground for your keiki to enjoy? How about a fitness station to break a sweat during an outdoor workout? The Honolulu Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) is pleased to announce the launch of a new interactive park map in a series of online tools designed to better connect you with the City's recreational resources!
This new map, available by following the link , shows the location of several of DPR's outdoor and indoor recreational facilities across our inventory of 402 designated park locations, including:
- 135 playgrounds
- 25 gymnasiums
- 15 fitness stations
- 12 swing sets
"A common question we get from parents and park users is where they can find particular park amenities, especially if their regular playground is being used by Summer Fun keiki," said DPR Director Laura H. Thielen "Now these maps provide precise locations of some of our most popular park facilities, and where everyone can safely enjoy our shoreline parks, in a user-friendly format. Not only do these maps display these public resources for general use, it also helps the City better understand our existing inventory to improve management."
The new playground map complements three already popular DPR online maps, including our beach/ocean access map which has been updated to include the precise location of Ocean Safety lifeguard towers and ADA-accessible ocean resources (such as beach mats all-terrain wheelchairs).
First created in 2016, the beach/ocean access map is available at Surpassing 300,000 views in April 2023. This map now showcases the City's:
- 68 City shoreline parks
- 22 with lifeguard towers
- 46 without lifeguard towers
- 89 beach-right-of-ways
- 41 Ocean Safety lifeguard towers
- 16 park locations with wheelchair access (mats, all-terrain wheelchairs, or both)
"One of the most important things we have found as lifesavers is to be able to quickly and accurately refer beachgoers -- visitors and kama‘āina alike -- on where to get in the ocean safely, especially with keiki, and that is at a lifeguarded beach," said John Titchen, Chief of Honolulu Ocean Safety.
With our 2023 Summer Fun Program finishing last week, having served over 9,000 keiki and teens, our Summer Fun Site map has now surpassed 500,000 views. Available at, this map serves as a valuable resource to island families looking for the closest Summer Fun site, and whether the location offers Summer Plus services before and/or after the regular programming.
Finally, our most popular and comprehensive map is available at . This online resource recorded over 2 million views in April 2023. In addition to designated park locations, this map showcases the City's:
- 43 dog parks (leashed and off-leash)
- 21 swimming pool sites
- 17 campgrounds
- 15 skate parks & roller rinks
- 11 community gardens
- 5 botanical gardens
A more detailed map of City park lands and outdoor recreational resources is available through the Department of Planning and Permitting's GIS map series at:
If you need an auxiliary aid/service, other accommodations due to a disability, or an interpreter for a language other than English in reference to this announcement, please contact the Honolulu Department of Parks and Recreation at (808) 768-3003 on weekdays from 7:45 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. or email at least three business days before the scheduled event. Without sufficient advanced notice, it may not be possible to fulfill requests.

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