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24/7 park security pilot project continues with contract extension
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With the continued success of the pilot project for 24/7 park security at nine Honolulu Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) park locations, the terms of the contract have been extended by four months until mid-May. .
The park sites and funding schedule outlined in the initial project announcement will continue.
The pilot project for a contracted security presence at the select parks, using guards at Hawai‘i Protective Association (HPA), was implemented last November. An additional announcement was made concerning the success and one-month extension of the initiative.
“We are very pleased with the impact that this pilot project is having on our park sites,” said Mayor Kirk Caldwell. “Combined with the securing parks initiative across the island, we hope that communities can reclaim their parks so that everyone can benefit from their usage.”
Source: City and County of Honolulu News Releaseb
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